Random Daddy Deals Uncategorized DIY Baby Proof your Fireplace Hearth

DIY Baby Proof your Fireplace Hearth

When you have a baby, especially your first child, you want to baby proof everything! Today we will be tackling the evil fireplace hearth. Everything about it means harm to the baby. From the hard edges, corners, dust, ashes and fire.

Please excuse my cute dog and the lunar new year decoration, but this is my 9ft long fireplace hearth.

My wife sent the orders to baby proof the fireplace. As a good husband and daddy, I took on the task and began.

*Warning* do not use your Fireplace. The diy hearth will catch on fire. Do not try this at home. This post is for entertainment only.

With the disclaimer out of the way

Step 1: Grab measuring tape and start writing down dimensions and drawing out the plan.

Step 2: Head to Home Depot or Lowe’s and JoAnn to buy building material such as

  • Wood
  • Staple gun / nails
  • Screw/brackets
  • Adhesive spray (To bind memory foam to wood)
  • Memory foam
  • Fabric (I used water proof fabric for easy cleaning)

( Pro Tip – get coupons for Joann. Fabric n memory foams are deceivingly expensive!)

Step 4: Once I got all the material, I started assembling the wood frame

I made sure the frame is sitting on the hearth nice and even.

Step 5: Once the frame is done. Use the adhesive spray and glue the memory foam to the frame. (Sorry didn’t take a picture of the gluing process.

Step 6 : Wrap the fabric around the wood frame. Make sure you pull the fabric tight before staple. May need two people. One to pull, and the other person you staple.

Step 7 : Assemble the sides to the frame.

I am more at ease when my daughter run around the house with this setup.

I personal think it actually looks better. It was well worth the effort!!!

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